Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Truth About The Difference Between a Man and a Chicken

If there is one thing I have come to understand in my dealing with not only my own, but my good friends mental illnesses, is the differences between man and beast. it is not language or use of tools that separates us. It is simply being able to rationalize any given situation and turn from behavior that is irrational and instinctive.

In the barnyard, a chicken will be perceived as having a fault, a speck of blood on it's plumage. This is evolution's way of telling a mindless animal that this animal is not suitable for reproduction or sharing at the food trough. The rest of the chickens take it upon themselves to kill that chicken by pecking it to death. Soon, in doing so, they also get blood on their plumage and a massacre begins until hundreds of chickens are dead.

We as humans, at some time were in such perilously low numbers that a new perception came to light. We do not have to destroy the weak to protect ourselves. We can give them dignity and a right to exist, even if their plumage is not perfect.

This was the birth of the rational mind. All growth, and everything we are as a species grew from that moment. The only time we are in peril as a human species is when we adopt the basic instinct of a chicken and forget we are rational humans beings capable of accepting those different to us.

Recently I have seen a few "Straw Leaders" take a stand against people they do not know or understand. They see the spot of blood on the others plumage but forget the drenching of blood they were covered with in a former time and were spared. How quickly they devolve.

Turn your back on such people, their way is that of a mindless animal that knows not how to behave among civilized people. Once they realize they are being shunned for their lack of evolution as a human being, they will turn to education and learn the error of their ways. if not, they can rule a hen house full of chickens and never attain anything more. Don't be chicken. Be a rational human being.
Lucidious Rage - Host of Mod Envy and Vaping Underground

Monday, May 23, 2016

LucidiousRage of and VULive Shows His Ass

The following IM conversation took place while I was in a friends Cast, not only was I a friend, but was even a Mod in the room.

During the course of the conversation in chat Lucidious Rage asked me why I hated him so much, (which I don't, I could care less about this person).

I answered it wasn't my cast or my room, but I would meet him in my room when I was casting at his earliest convenience.

Instead of waiting to address this issue in a more appropriate time and place, he then began this obvious barrage of information seeking, pumping me for drama while holding his so-called friendship with MissScruffy over my head.

I am acquainted with MissScruffy and I do know that she would NEVER discuss one Caster to another behind their back.

I took this conversation to be exactly what it was, pumping me for information and insisting he had the power and the right to do so.

This is a common tactic with predators. They wave the flag of "Why do You HATE me?" to find out what you have on them, then threaten you with their "Connections".

Sad and indicative of this troubled man's mindset.

By the way, I have never had any dealing with Vapor Joe in any way. I have never talked about him with MissScruffy or any other person, ever.

No one ran me off of Lucidious Rage is the person who called me "old" and a "loser" during a cast, (not mine). I simply chose no longer to put up with his shit and trolled him back in the spirit of his insults. This is what I got for it.

I apologize to Vapor Joe if anyone told you I had a problem with you. My problem has been with your stalky minions who do exactly what you see in the conversation above me, to me and to anyone who is their target.

And if you are wondering, Lucidious Rage, why I don't like you, perhaps your own words will shed light on this matter:

This is some of the saddest passive aggressive stalking I have ever been a part of. I know I am just one of the possibly hundreds who have been treated the same way. And now, you know the REAL story.

Monday, April 18, 2016

BitchHiking Wanderer Finally Hits the Airwaves To Fabulous Acclaim

Well, maybe not Fabulous Acclaim but it was nice and I few old friends stopped by, as well as some new friends! It's wonderful to meet new people through the common love of music!

Monday, April 11, 2016

iCharacter Shows Us His Etchings Only on Vaughnlive

Spend a Saturday Night with iCharacter and THIS is what can happen!

Make sure you watch the "MUST Watch of the Season" at Vaughnlive:

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Edge of Eight The Cure for Saturday Night Blues..

Saturday night was Glam Night with the Edge of Eight, Edge showing us all how it is done! Always a great way to spend and evening, with friends and Fun!
Join Her most days and nights

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Who Is Katie Kaboom?

The Lovely Katie Kaboom

Katie Kaboom, Who Can She Be Now?
Katie Kaboom Shows us Her Handmade Beaded Jewelry
Katie Kaboom is difficult to define. Both worldly and innocent at the same time, she exists as a paradox. Creative, stable and motherly, she watches over her brood and is a loyal friend to all who return the embrace.

Then, as in a flash, she turns and becomes an actress from an old sepia tinted silent movie that scares the blazes out of you, she looks that dangerous. With a sideways glance she can alter from Wife and Mother to Siren, in one nod of the head and blink of the eye.

Katie is a modern young lady who has the wondrous luck, or misfortune, depending on the day, to be joined in life to Electrojed, a longtime Vaughnlive comedic fixture. How these two ended up together is any one's guess, but it works for them and she's probably in for the Sainthood, (LOL, old jk from the League of Martyred Wives, of which I am a card carrying member).

Drop by and see how she copes with the "The World's Most Difficult Man" when they cast together on his show, or when she casts alone with him kibitzing in the background.... Amazingly innocent, while worldly in the next breath, you just have to wonder.. Who is Katie Kaboom?

 The only sure way to find out who she truly is, 
is to drop by and spend some time with her almost daily on

Friday, April 8, 2016

Electrojed and Katie Kaboom That Couple From Hell or Vaughnlive Same Difference

Katie Gives Electrojed a Piece of Her Opinion
leave it to Vaughnlive to have these two in captivity. This is The Famous Electrojed and Katie Kaboom. Vaughnlive's "I Love Lucy" Couple from Hell. With Katie in the Ricky role, she tirelessly tries to keep Jed the hopeless child in line, with little success.

He's Cuban/American, she's more than enough to handle him. She has her own show daily as KatieKaboom on Vaughnlive, but be assured the Jed is always there to continually annoy and entertain by being annoying.

How can you be both entertaining and annoying at the same time?
Ask Jed on Vaughnlive daily:
Jed Seeks Revenge As His Alter Ego "Spanking Elvis"?

All's Fair in Love and War When Love is The Real Thing Going on Here!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

DigitalDave Delivers Vinyl Acid Rock and Heavy Metal Like No Other

I just recently discovered Digitaldave on Vaughnlive and I have been hooked ever since. This Guy has the vinyl on just about any Heavy Metal Group Eva, but also has strange and obscure shit that will Rock your World!
You can catch Digitaldave on Thursdays, as well as Saturday and Sundays, or by chance. Favoriting his page will send you notifications of when he is shredding the airwaves with the Best Rock EVER!
Catch him on Vaughnlive:

Sunday, April 3, 2016

His Face is His Fortune His Humor His Fame - iCharacter at Vaughnlive

You can't help yourself, if you have a sense of humor at all you have got to LOVE that face, and the biting, witty humor behind it. He pulls no punches but always knows how to twist everything into a smile... do stop by Vaughnlive and watch iCharacter! He has no set schedule, but if you follow the link and favorite him, you will get notifications when he is on the air!

Mark Vaughn Really Mr Peanut Revealed During Live Cast on Vaughnlive!

Mark Vaughn IS Mr Peanut!
 Long time viewers of Vaughnlive were shocked, (not really), when Mark called for a Special Cast Meeting this week to reveal that, INDEED, he IS Mr Peanut. We are glad Mark felt enough support and love from his friends and Family to come forward with this startling revelation.

Caught in the moment, his Cousin, Mr Potato Eye, also came forward and admitted he was just a Tuber too... you never know what strange things will be revealed when you watch Vaughnlive!
His Cousin.. Mr Potato Eye 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Don't Everybody Frown at the Same Time!

One of those moments when you realize everyone is WAY to serious....LIGHTEN UP!

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Wanderers Bitchin' BBQ Easter Show

We had a wonderful time on Easter Sunday when everyone turned out to help us cook an Old Fashioned Pork Shoulder Roast in our Convection Gas Holland Grill.

Just wish we could've sent out samples!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Get Back in The Kitchen and Make Us Pasta Amanda T!

Tomorrow at 7pm Central on "In the Kitchenette" Amanda T is making pasta from scratch
March 17the, 2016 It's a must watch!

MissScruffy's Cookie Baking Show A Sweet Success! (Despite Mark Helping Her!)

Today was MissScruffy's baking show and a Great Success it was! 6 dozen cookies made and packed to be sent out to lucky viewers!

Hundreds turned out to watch Mark struggle with modern kitchen appliances!

A Great time was had by all!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Duce Lee Brings Rare Musical Ability To Live Web TV Worth Watching!

Duce Lee is on Weekdays at 12:00am

I just discover Duce Lee and within ten minutes I was building this review about him. There is no doubt this man has absolutely got real and present talent. Request "Tangled Sheets" if you want to hear some really wonderful, soulful music. He's all over the place with coffee house and more styles that will keep you listening and watching.

Here is his description from below his Channel Video:

Welcome to Duce Lee TV!!

My name is Duce, and I am Songwriter and Composer. I love music, and anyone who knows me can see that I bleed it though my body. Music is therapeutic for me, I believe I need it to move on. Without it, I wouldn't be able to express my emotions whether there happy or sad. Music is my joy to the world.

The Show is dedicated Music of all forms and promotes Artists, Songwriters, Musicians and Engineers.

We have special Guests, Live Performances, by Musicians , Singers, Rappers, etc.

We also have in depth interviews with celebrity and non celebrity people who are working or retired from the industry as well. It #039 s a pleasure to be here and Please enjoy!

What the Live Broadcast Software Looks like for Mac at Work

What it looks like from the Broadcasting Side...LOL

Stockroom Steve Finds a Home at as Official Mascot and Representative

This appeared in Mark's Facebook Feed today..... 

Now we know that Steve is Watching...

Steve is watching.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Mark and MissScruffy's Cookie Baking Broadcast March 16, 12 Noon 2016

Mark and MissScruffy's

Cookie Baking Broadcast


March 16 • 12 Noon • 2016

Here's the LINK to MissScruffy's Cookie Baking Show!

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The Wandering Bitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy

LiVE at Noon Eastern Everyday, join me for Coffee and Conversation!
See if I'm Live By Clicking on this LINK BELOW!